The active ingredient of peppermint is essential oil, which is contained in the leaves of the plant in an amount from 2.40 to 3.75%, in inflorescences - 4-6%, in the stems - up to 0.3%. Essential oil at its core consists of menthol (41-65%). Mint leaves, in addition to essential oil, contain carotene, hesperiin, betaine, ursolic and oleanolic acids; trace elements: copper, manganese, strontium, etc.
Properties Mint has a warming and astringent effect. The main active ingredient is menthol. When the cold receptors are excited, the superficial vessels constrict and the vessels of the internal organs reflexively expand. It is taken on a piece of sugar for pain in the region of the heart. Menthol also has a mild local anesthetic effect. Irritating the receptors of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, menthol causes an increase in peristalsis, so it is also prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spastic colitis and enterocolitis. The irritating and antiseptic effect of the essential oil leads to the limitation of the processes of putrefaction and fermentation and to the increased secretion of the digestive glands.
In Russian folk medicine, mint leaves are used as a refreshing, choleretic and diaphoretic agent. The juice of fresh leaves of wild-growing mint is used for kidney stones, as a diuretic - a tablespoon mixed with white wine.
Use Infusion and decoction of peppermint are used for gastrointestinal spasms, diarrhea, pain in the heart, hepatic colic, nausea, heartburn, to increase appetite, and also against cough; externally - for neuralgic pains, as an antiseptic for inflammatory processes, burns, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, toothache. Peppermint juice is recommended for attacks of angina pectoris, irritability, insomnia, hysteria, itchy dermatoses, digestive tract dysfunction, spastic colitis, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and urolithiasis.